"If we bring our sincere attention to it, any activity can cultivate awakening to our true nature, our basic goodness. That’s why gathas, which help us bring attention to the present moment, can be used when performing any type of activity—waking up in the morning, brushing our teeth, taking out the garbage, entering the meditation hall, or inviting the bell"
Read full article here: https://www.lionsroar.com/how-to-practice-gathas/
Mindfulness Gathas by Thich Nhat Hanh
Waking Up
Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment
and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion
Brushing Teeth
Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth,
I vow to speak purely and lovingly.
When my mouth is fragrant with right speech,
a flower blooms in the garden of my heart.
Walking Meditation
The mind can go in a thousand directions.
But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.
With each step, a gentle wind blows.
With each step, a flower blooms.
Drinking Tea
This cup of tea in my two hands –
Mindfulness is held uprightly
My mind and body dwell
in the very here and now.
Talking on the Telephone
Words can travel thousands of miles.
May my words create mutual understanding and love.
May they be as beautiful as gems,
as lovely as flowers.
Driving a Car
Before starting the car
I know where I am going.
The car and I are one.
If the car goes fast, I go fast.
If the car goes slowly, I go slowly.
Starting a Meal: The Five Contemplations
This food is the gift of the whole universe – the earth the sky, and much hard work.
May we eat in mindfulness so as to be worthy to receive it.
May we transform our unskillful states of mind and learn to eat with moderation.
May we take only foods that nourish us and prevent illness.
We accept this food to realize the path of understanding and love and joy.
Washing the Dishes
Washing the dishes
is like bathing a baby Buddha.
The profane is the sacred.
Everyday mind is Buddha’s mind.
Meditating or Walking
I have arrived.
I am home.
In the here,
In the now.
I am solid. – I am free.
In the ultimate
I dwell.
You may want to consider a trip to the art store, pick up some nice paper and a pen and create a few of these poems to place around your home as daily reminders to stay present to this amazing life!